Reports and publications

The newest publications (from 2010)

Arctic Biology Field Course Fish Report 2022

Arctic Biology Field Course Report 2020

Arctic Biology Field Course Report 2019

Arctic Station Annual report 2018

Arctic Station Annual report 2017

Arctic Biology Field Course 2017

Arctic Biology Field Course 2016 

Arktisk Station Annual Report 2016

Arktisk Station Annual Report 2015

Field and method course (Geoscience) - Greenland 2015

Field and method course (Geoscience) - Greenland 2014

Arctic Biology Field Course, Qeqertarsuaq 2014

Arctic Biology Field Course 2012

Arktisk Station Annual Report 2014

Arktisk Station Annual Report 2013

Arktisk Station Annual Report 2012

Arktisk Station Annual Report 2011

Methane dynamics in permafrost landscape at Disko Island, West Greenland, Field report 2011

Acoustic behaviour of bowhead whales Balaena mysticetus in Disko Bay, Western Greenland, PhD thesis by Outi Tervo.

Publications 2002-2010

Publications with basis in studies from the arctic station, not in the universities publication records.

  • Nickel, J.: Benthic-pelagic coupling in the Arctic Mellemfjord (West-Greenland) with special focus on benthic Peracarida (Malacostraca, Crustacea), Reports on Polar and Marine Research 491: 1-135.2004
  • Nickel, M. & Götz M.: Grönland 2003, Berichte von der Polarbiologischen Exkursion des Studiegangs Technische Biologie, s 1-148. Udgivet af Universität Stuttgart. 2004.

  • Kendra, J., Nottmeier, M.: Variation af cumariner og benzoediazepinreceptor-aktivitet i Angelica archangelica fra Disko, Grønland, s.1-71. Udgivet af Danmarks Farmaceutiske Universitet.2004.

  • (Danish only) Naturgeografisk Hovedfagskursus Disko 2003 (PDF)
From 2002
  • Arctic Biology Field Course 2002 (PDF)

  • Bernstein S., Brooks C.K., Stecher O. 2001 859-862. Enriched component of the proto-Icelandic mantle plume revealed in alkaline Tertiary lavas from East Greenland. Geological Society of America vol. 29.

  • Bernstein S., Hanghøj K., Keleman P.B., Blusztjan J., Frei R. 2001. Osmium isotopes in the Wiedemann Fjord mantle xenoliths, a unique record of cratonic mantle formation by melt depletion in the Archaean. Geochemistry, Geophysics and geosystems vol. 2.

  • Chauvin, C., Grémillet D., Wilson, R.P., Le Maho, Y. and Wanless, S., 2002. Waterproof cormorants? Ecology Letters. (Submitted)

  • Geologisk C-Kursus til Disko 2002, Grønland. Rapport fra geologisk feltkursus 2001, Geologisk Institut, Københavns Universitet .

  • Gilbert R., Nielsen N., Möller H., rDesloges J., Rasch M. 2cier. Marine G002: Glacimarine sedimantation in Kangerdluk (Disko Fjord), West Geenland, in response to a surging glaeology 191. 1-18.

  • Graae B.J.  2002: The role of oochorous seed dispersal of forest plant species in a fragmented Landscape. Seed Science Research 12. 11epiz3-121.

  • Grémillet, D., Wanless, S. and Linton, D. (2002) Modelling energetic bottlenecks and foraging habitat utilization in great cormorants: the potential of a GIS approach. Vogelwelt 123.

  •   Grémillet, D., Wanless, S., Boertmann, D.M., Wilson, R.P., 2002. The relative importance of physiological and behavioural adaptation in diving endotherms: a case study with Arctic cormorants. Canadian Journal of  Zoology. (Submitted).

  • Grémillet, D., Wright, G. A., Lauder A., Carss, D. N. & Wanless, S. Modelling the daily food requirements of wintering great cormorants: a bioenergetics model for wildlife management. Journal of Applied Ecology. (Submitted).

  • Hansen E.S. 2002: Lichens from Inglefield Land, NW Greenland. Willdenowia 32. 105-125.

  • Hansen E.S. 2002: Lichenes Danici Exsiccati Fasc. X (Nos. 226-250) & Fasc. XI (Nos. 251-275) 1-29.

  • Hansen E.S. 2002: Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati Fasc. XXI (Nos. 801-825) & Fasc. XXII (Nos. 826-850) 1-28.

  • Hansen E.S. 2000: Lichens. 6th Annual Report for Zero. 22-26.

  • Hansen E.S. 2001: Lichen-Rich Soil Crusts of Arctic Greenland. Ecological Studies vol. 150. 57-65.

  • Hansen E.S. 2002: Lichens from Inglefield Land, NW Greenland. Willdenowia 32.105-125. 

  • Hansen E.S. 2001: Lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Washington Land, western North Greenland. Folia Cryptog, Estonica, Fasc. 38. 1-8.

  • Hansen E.S., Alstrup V., Daniels F.J.A. 2000: Lichenized, lichenicolous and other fungi from North and North-East Greenland. Folia Crypto, Estonica, Fasc. 37. 1-20.

  • Hansen E.S., Alstrup V. 2001: New lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Greenland. Graphis Scripta 12.41-50.

  • Hansen E.S. 2000: Lichens. Zero 6th annual report. 22-26.

  • Jacquet S., Havskum H., Thingstad F., Vaulot D. 2002: Geographic variation of freeze-tolerance in the earthworm Dendrobaena octaedra. Marine Ecology Progress Series 228. 3-14.

  • Japsen P., Bonow J., Klingt E.K., Jensen F.K. 2002: Neogene uplift, erosion and resedimentation in West Greenland. Field report summer 2002.GEUS 2002/71.

  • Jordan A.D. 2002: Eksistens ved nulpunktet. Naturens Verden nr. 11/12, årgang 85, 2002.

  • Kristensen R.M., Funch P. 2002: Coda: the micrognathozoa - a new class or phylum of freshwater meiofauna? Freshwater Meiofauna, Biology and Ecology, chapter 14. 337-348.

  • Kristensen R.M. 2002: An Introduction to Loricifera, Cycliophora, and Micrognathozoa. Integrative and comparative biology vol. 42, number 3. 641-651.

  • Lauritzen A., Lund I.S. 2001: Æterisk olie kantlyng, Cassiope tetragona.DFH.

  • Marine und terrestrische polarökologische Exkursion auf die Disco-Insel, Westgrönland. 2002. Institut für Polarökologie der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.

  • Nielsen T.G., Niehoff B., Madsen S.D., Hansen B.W. 2002: Reproductive cycles of three dominat Calanus species in the Disko Bay, West- Greenland. Mar. Biol. 140. 567-576.

  • Nielsen T.G., Møller E.F., Satapoomin S., Ringuette M., Hopcroft R.R. 2002: Egg hatching rate of the cyclopoid copepod Oithona similis in arctic and temperate. Mar. Ecol. Prog. ser. 236. 301-306.

  •  Nielsen T.G. , Thingstad F., Hansen A.S., Levinsen H. 2002: Control of bacterial production in cold water. An analysis of mechanisms relating bacterial production and zooplankton biomass in Disco Bay, Greenland. Mar. Ecol. Prog. ser 228. 15-24.

  • Nielsen T.G. , Levinsen H. 2002: The trophic role of marine pelagic ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates in arctic and temperate coastal ecosystems: A cross latitude comparison. Limnol Oceanography 47. 427-439.

  • Rasmussen, L.M., Holmstrup M. 2002: Geographic variation of freeze-tolerance in the earthworm Dendrobaena octaedra. J Comp. Physiol B 172. 691-698.

  • Steffensen J.F., Jordan A.D., Jungersen M., 2001: Oxygen comsumption of East Siberian cod: no support for the metabolic cold adaption theory. Journal of Fish Biology 59. 818-823.

  • Sørensen M.V., Kristensen R.M. 2002: Ny dyregruppe, micrognathozoa,  fundet i Grønland. Dyr i natur og museum 1. 10-13.

  • Trip Book. 2002 Victorian Student Expedition to Greenland.

Publications 2001

Publications with basis in studies from the Arctic Station:

  • Bojesen-Koefoed, J.A., Dam. G., Nytoft, P.A., Pedersen, G.K. & Petersen, H.I. 2001. Drowning of a nearshore peat-forming environment, Atane Formation (Cretaceous) at Asuk, West Greenland: sedimentology, organic petrography and geochemistry. Organic Geochemistry 32, 967-980.

  • Dahlgren, T., Åkesson, B. Schander, C.  Halanych, K. M., & Sundberg, S. 2001. Molecular Phylogeny of the model Annelid Ophryotrocha. Biological Bulletin 201:193-203.

  • Egevang, C. & Boertmann, D. 2001: The Ramsar sites of Disko, West Greenland, A survey in July 2001. NERI Technical Report no. 368, 2001. National Environment Research Institute, pp. 68.

  • Funch, P. & Kristensen, R.M. 2001. Coda: The Micrognathozoa – A new Class or Phylum of Freshwater Meiofauna? Chapter 14, pp. 337-348. In: S.D. Rundle, A.L. Robertson & J.M. Schmid-Araya (eds): Freshwater Meiofauna: Biology and Ecology. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands.

  • Hansen B. W., Nielsen, T.G., Levinsen H. 1999. Plankton community structure and carbon cycling on the western coast of greenland during the stratified summer situation. III Mesozooplankton. Aquat. Microbial. Ecol. 16 (3): 233-249

  • Jordan A. D., Jungersen, M. & Steffensen, J.F. 2001. Oxygen consumption of East Siberian cod: no support for the metabolic cold adaptation theory. Journal of Fish Biology 59, pp 818-823.

  • Kristensen, R.M. 2001. Kvandalen på øen Disko – et grønlandsk Shangri-La. Pp.28-29.  I:  »diversitet«. Forskning og Formidling ved Det naturvidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet 2000.

  • Kristensen, R.M. 2001. A Shangri-La in Greenland. Pp. 22-23, I: University of Copenhagen Annual Report 2000, University of Copenhagen.

  •  Kristensen, R.M. 2001.  Scorer Zoologisk Museum “hat trick” eller selvmål?. Dansk Naturhistorisk Forenings Årsskrift nr. 11 2000/2001: 23-34.

  •  Kristensen, R.M. 2001. Foreword. 8th International Symposium on Tardigrada. Copenhagen 30 July-5 August 2000. Zoologischer Anzeiger 240: 213-215.

  •  Levinsen H., Nielsen, T.G.,  Hansen B W. 1999. Plankton community structure and carbon cycling on the western coast of greenland during the stratified summer situation. II Protozooplankton. Aquat. Microbial. Ecol. 16 (3): 217-232

  •  Levinsen, H., Nielsen, T.G. ( in press). The trophic role of marine pelagic ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates in arctic and temperate coastal ecosystems: a cross latitude comparison. Limnol Oceanogr.

  •  Levinsen, H., Nielsen T.G., Hansen B.W. 2000. Annual Succession of marine protozoans in the arctic with emphasis on winter dynamics. Marine Ecology Progress Series 206: 119-134

  •  Levinsen, H., Turner, J.T., Nielsen T.G., Hansen, B.W. 2000. On the trophic coupling between protists and copepods in Arctic marine Ecosystems.- Marine Ecology Progress Series: 204:65-77

  •  Lundin, K. & Schander, C. 2001. Ciliary ultrastructure of Polyplacophorans (Mollusca, Amphineuira, Polyplacophora). Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology. 33: 93-98

  •  Lundin. K. & Schander, C. 2001. Ciliary ultrastructure of Neomeniomorphs (Mollusca, Neomeniomorpha = Solenogastres). Invertebrate Biology 120: 342-349

  •  Lundin, K. & Schander, C. 2001. Ciliary ultrastructure of protobranchs (Mollusca, Bivalvia). Invertebrate Biology 120: 350-357.

  •  Madsen S.D., Nielsen, T.G.,  B. W.Hansen 2001. Annual population development and production by Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus in Disko Bay, Western Greenland. Marine  Biology 138 (6):  1121-1130

  •  Møller, H., Nielsen, N., Rasch, M., Christiansen, C., Gilbert, R. and Desloges, J., 2000. Investigation of a modern glacimarine sedimentary environment in the fjord Kuannersuit Sulluat, Disko, West Greenland. Danish Journal of Geography, 101, p.1-10.

  •  Møller E.F, Nielsen T.G. 2000. Plankton community structure and carbon cycling off the western coast of Greenland, with emphasis on sources of DOM for the bacterial community Aquat.  Microbial. Ecol. 22: 13-25.

  •  Niehoff, B., Madsen, S.D, Hansen, B.W., Nielsen, T.G.. (in press). Reproductive cycles of three dominant Calanus species in the Disko Bay, West-Greenland.  Marine Biology.

  •  Nielsen, N., Humlum, O. and Hansen, B.U. 2001. Meteorological Observations 2000 at the Arctic Station, Qeqertarsuaq (69°15'), Central West Greenland. Danish Journal of Geography, 101, p.  155-157.

  •  Nielsen, T.G. & Hansen, B.1995. Plankton community structure and carbon cycling in Arctic west Greenland during and after the sedimentation of a diatom bloom. Marine Ecology Progress Series 125: 239-257.

  •  Nielsen T.G., Hansen, B.W. 1999. Plankton community structure and carbon cycling on the western coast of Greenland during the stratified summer situation. I Hydrography, phytoplankton and bacterioplankton . Aquat. Microbial. Ecol. 16 (3): 205-216

  •  Nielsen, T.G., Møller E.F., Satapoomin S., Ringuette M. and Hopcroft, R.R.  (in press) Egg hatching rate of the cyclopoid copepod Oithona similis in arctic and temperate waters. Marine Ecology Progress Series:.

  •  Pedersen, S.S., Dahl-Jensen, T., Jepsen, H., Larsen, L.M., Pedersen, G.K., Nielsen. T., Pedersen, A.K. & Weng, W. 2000. Fjeldskred ved Paatuut. Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport 2001/99, 47 p. 

  •  Pedersen, A.K., Larsen, L.M., Ulff-Møller, F., Pedersen, G.K. & Dueholm, K.S. 2001. Geological map of Greenland, 1:100 000, Pingu, 69 V.2 Nord. Copenhagen: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland.

  •  Pedersen, G.K. 2001. Floral and faunal history, Greenland before the Ice Ages. pp. 36-45 In: Born, E.W. & Böcher, J. (2001) The ecology of Greenland. Translated by Danny Eibye-Jacobsen from "Grønlands Økologi - en grundbog. Atuakkiorfik Undervisning, Nuuk, 429 p.

  •  Schander, C. 2001. When few become many – on a difficult group of bivalves. Polar Research 20:119-120.

  •  Schander, C & Sundberg, P. 2001. Characters in gastropod phylogeny - Hard Facts or Soft Information. Systematic Biology 50: 9-13.

  • Schander, C., Berg, G., Hövik, D., Nilsson, S. Nordberg, P.-Å. & Ruth, M. 2001. DigiDiss™ - Reusable rats for a sustainable society. Knowledge and Learning for a Sustainable Society, Gothenburg 2001.

  • Steffensen, J.F., Jordan A.D. & Jungersen M. 2001: Oxygen consumption of East siberian cod: No support for the metabolic cold adaptation theory. Journal of Fish Biology 59, 818-823.

  • Sørensen, M.V. 2001: On the phylogeny and jaw evolution in Gnathifera. Ph.d. thesis. Københavns Universitet.

  •  Thingstad, F., Nielsen T.G. Hansen A.S., Levinsen, H.  (in press) Control of bacterial production in cold waters. An analysis of mechanisms relating bacterial production and zooplankton biomass in Disco Bay, Greenland. Marine Ecology Progress Series.

  •  Turner J.T , Levinsen H., Nielsen T.G., Hansen, B.W. 2001 Zooplankton feeding ecology: grazing on phytoplankton and predation on protozoans by copepod and barnacle nauplii in Disko Bay, West Greenland  Marine Ecology Progress Series. 221:209-219

Publications 2000

  • Bernstein, S. & Bird, D.K. 2000 Formation of wehrlites through dehydration of metabasalt xenoliths inlayered gabbros of the Noe-Nygaard Intrusion, SE Greenland. Geological Magazine. v. 137, p. 109-128.

  • Bernstein, S., Leslie, A.G., Higgins, A.K. & Brooks, C.K. 2000: Tertiary alkaline volcanics in the Nunatak Region, Northeast Greenland: new observations and comparison with Siberian maymechites. Lithos. v. 53, p. 1-20.

  • Bernstein, S., Brooks, C.K. & Stecher, O. 2001 submitted: The 'enriched' component of the Proto-Icelandic Mantle Plume revealed in alkaline Tertiary lavas from E Greenland. Geology.

  • Dissing, A.D. 2000: Fauna i Kryokonithuller- med vægt på bdelloide hjuldyr. Afd. for Zoologi, Aarhus Universitet.

  • Hanghøj, K., Kelemen, P., Bernstein, B., Blusztajn, J. & Frei, R. 2001: Osmium isotopes in the Wiedemann Fjord mantle xenoliths, a unique record of cratonic mantle formation by melt depletion in the Archaean. Geochemistry, Geophysics and geosystems, v. 2, paper no. 2000GC000085

  • Hansen, B.U. , Nielsen, N. and Humlum, O., 2000: Meteorological Observations 1999 at the Arctic Station, Qeqertarsuaq , Central West Greenland. Danish Journal of Geography, 100, p. 85-87.

  • Hansen, E.S. 1999: A contribution to the lichen flora of the Kangerlussuaq area, West Greenland. Cryptogamie, Mycol. p. 53-59.

  • Hansen, E.S. 2000: Lichens Collected at Cape Belknap near Alert, Northeastern Ellesmere Island. Evansia 17. p. 15-17.

  •  Hansen, E.S. & Obermayer, W. 1999: Notes on Arthrorhaphis and its Lichenicolous Fungi in Greenland. The Bryologist 102. p. 104-107.

  • Hansen, E. S. 2000: A comparison among the lichen floras of three climatically different localities in south west Greenland. Mycotaxon Volume LXXIV. p. 429-445.

  • Harlou, R., Bernstein, S., Brooks, C.K., Higgins, A.K. & Leslie, A.G. 2000: Petrology and geochemical characteristic of alkaline basic lavas from the nunatak region of central East Greenland. The 24th. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting in Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway.

  • Humlum, O. 2000: The geomorphic significance of rock glaciers: estimates of rock glacier debris volumes and headwall recession rates in West Greenland. Geomorphology 35. Elsevier. p. 41-67.

  • Humlum, O., Nielsen, N., 2000: Disko Fjord - en vestgrønlandsk fjorddal. I “Topografisk Atlas Grønland”, Det kongelige geografiske Selskab og Kort-og matrikelstyrelsen, Reitzels Forlag, København. p. 90-91.

  • Kristensen, R. M., 2000: Grønlands varme kilder. I “Topografisk Atlas Grønland”, Det kongelige geografiske Selskab og Kort- og matrikelstyrelsen, Reitzels Forlag, København. p. 150-153.

  •  Kristensen, R. M., 2000: Liv på og i Indlandsisen. I “Topografisk Atlas Grønland”, Det kongelige geografiske Selskab og Kort- og matrikelstyrelsen, Reitzels Forlag, København. p. 154-155.

  •  Kristensen, R.M.,Funch, P., 2000: Micrognathozoa: A new class with complicated jaws like those  of Rotifera and Gnathostomulida. Journal of Morphology 246: 1-49.

  • Kristiansen, J. & Kristiansen, Aa. 1999: A new species of Chroomonas (Cryptophyceae) living inside the submarine ikaite columns in the Ikkafjord, Southwest Greenland, with remarks on its ultrastructure and ecology. Nordic Journal of Botany. p.747-758.

  •  Larsen, T.B., Dahl-Jensen, T., Bach, T., Hanka, W., Wolbern, I., Bernstein, S., Gregersen, S., Jensen, S.M., Kind, R., Mosegaard, K., Pedersen, H. & Voss, P. 2000: Project GLATIS: Revealing the secrets of the Greenland craton. European Geophysical Society Meeting, Nice, France.

  •  Nielsen, N., Humlum, O. og Nielsen, K., 2000: Eqip Sermia - en udløbsgletscher i Vestgrønland. I “Topografisk Atlas Grønland”, Det kongelige geografiske Selskab og Kort- og matrikelstyrelsen, Reitzels Forlag, København. p. 118-121.

  •  Nielsen, N., 2000: Arktisk Station- Københavns Universitets nordligste feltstation. I “Topografisk Atlas Grønland”, Det kongelige geografiske Selskab og Kort- og matrikelstyrelsen, Reitzels Forlag, København. p. 180-183.

  •  Nielsen, K., Nielsen, N., 2000: Qullissat - en nedlagt kulmineby. I “Topografisk Atlas Grønland”, Det kongelige geografiske Selskab og Kort- og matrikelstyrelsen, Reitzels Forlag, København. p. 220-221.

  •  Nielsen, N., 2000: En “galopperende” gletscher på Disko. I “Topografisk Atlas Grønland”, Det kongelige geografiske Selskab og Kort- og matrikelstyrelsen, Reitzels Forlag, København. p. 122-123.

  •  Rasch, M. 2000: Holocene Relative Sea Level Changes in Disko Bugt, West Greenland. Journal of Coastal Research 16. p. 306-315.

  •  Tegner, C., Brooks, C.K., Bernstein, S., Hald, N. & Duncan, R.A. 2000: Age of protracted post-breakup magmatism in East Greenland: a consequence of long-lived plume action? Penrose 2000: Volcanic Rifted Margins, London, UK, 27-30 March, 2000. 78.

  •  Tegner, C., Brooks, K., Bernstein, S. & Duncan, B. 2001: Protracted magmatism at the East Greenland margin - the record of plume passage? MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY WINTER CONFERENCE 2001. Mantle Materials, Processes and Products with VMSG Research in Progress and the MDSG, Durham, UK, 3-5 January, 2001.

Publications 1999

  • Arktisk Biologisk Feltkursus, Qeqertarsuaq 1998. Botanisk Institut, Afdeling for Alger og Svampe, Københavns Universitet, s. 1-242, 1998.

  • Bernstein, S., Tegner, C., Stecher, O., Brooks, C.K.: Tertiary lavas in East Greenland and the origin of an 'enriched' component in the proto-Icelandic mantle plume. EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 81, F654, 1999.

  • Brooks, C.K., Bernstein, S., Tegner, C.,Nielsen, T.F.D.: 1999. Felsic magmatism at the East Greenland rifted continental margin. EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 81, F1134.

  • Christiansen, F.G., Boesen, A., Bojesen-Koefoed, J.A., Dalhoff, F., Dam, G., Neuhoff, P.S., Pedersen, A.K., Pedersen, G.K., Stannius, L.S., Zinck-Jørgensen, K.: Petroleum geological activities onshore West Greenland in 1997. Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin 180, s. 10-17, 1999.

  • Clemmensen, K., Hansen, A.H.: Mycorrhizal symbioses in four plant communities in Greenland in relation to different soil factors. Berichte zur Polarforschung 330, s. 11-14, 1999.

  • Finke, D., Brandt, C.: Observations of passerine birds in Blæsedalen, Disko Island, W. Greenland. Berichte zur Polarforschung 330, s. 78-91, 1999.

  • Hanghøj, K., Kelemen, P.B., Bernstein, S., Blusztajn J., Frei, R.: The Wiedemann Fjord mantle xenoliths, a unique record of cratonic mantle formation by melt depletion in the Archean. EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 81, F1078, 1999.

  • Hansen, E. S.: Lichens from Qeqertarsuaq/Godhavn, Disko, Central West Greenland. Folia Cryptog. Estonica 34, s. 33-42, 1999.

  • Hansen, E.S.: Epilithic lichens on iron- and copper-containing crusts at Qeqertarsuaq, Central West Greenland. Graphis Scripta 10, s. 7-12, 1999.

  • Hansen, L.: The intertidal macrofauna and macroalgae at five arctic localities (Disko, West Greenland). Berichte zur Polarforschung 330, s. 92-110, 1999.

  • Hansen, N., Schmidt, F.: The Mellemfjord (Disko, West Greenland) - hydrography and pelagic biology. Berichte zur Polarforschung 330, s. 111-133, 1999.

  • Heide-Jørgensen, H.S., Kristensen R.M.: Puilassoq, the warmest homothermal spring of Disko Island. Berichte zur Polarforschung 330, s. 32-43, 1999.

  • Humlum, O.: Late-Holocene climate in central West Greenland: meteorological data and rock-glacier isotope evidence. The Holocene 9, s. 581-594, 1999.

  • Jensen, K.D, Larsen, K.S.: An analysis of plant communities and environmental factors on Pjeturssons Moraine, Disko, Greenland. Berichte zur Polarforschung 330, s.15-31, 1999.

  • Kelemen, P.B., Hanghøj, K., Kelley, R., Bernstein, S., Blusztajn, J., Frei, R.: Continued study of the origin of the cratonic upper mantle, 1999 Lherzolite Conference. Pavia, Italy, 1999.

  • Larsen, S., Rasmussen, T.D.: Rapid assessment of spider species richness in the Arctic (Disko, West Greenland). Berichte zur Polarforschung 330, s. 76-77, 1999.

  • Liebermann, A.: The diversity of Polychaeta and their feeding habits related to types of sediment in Mellemfjord, Disko Island, West Greenland. Berichte zur Polarforschung 330, s. 152-163, 1999.

  • Long, A. J., Roberts, D.H., Wright, M.R.: Isolation basin stratigraphy and Holocene relative sea-level change on Arveprinsen Ejland. Disko Bugt, West Greenland. Journal of Quaternary Science 14, s. 323-345, 1999.

  • Lörz, A.N, di Renzo, A., Nickel, J.: Comparative analysis of three sampling gear types for marine macrobenthos. Berichte zur Polarforschung 330, s. 134 B 151, 1999.

  • Naturgeografisk Hovedfagskursus Juli 1999: Kuannersuit Sulluat, Disko - Vestgrønland. Geografisk Institut, Københavns Universitet, s. 1-73, 1999.

  • Nielsen, N., Knudsen, N.T.: En "galopperende" gletscher (på Disko) - hvad skete der. Geologisk Nyt 5. s. 22-24, 1999.

  • Pedersen, G.K., Pedersen, A.K., Hjortkjær, B.F., Larsen, L.M.: Syn-volcanic lacustrine successions, the Paleocene Assoq lake complex of the Nuussuaq Basion, West Greenland. Abstract for a meeting in the Geological Society on "The North Atlantic igneous province: magmatic controls on sedimentation", Burlington House, 20-21st April, 1999.

  • Pedersen, G.K.: Aggradational delta deposits: the Atane Formation, the Nuussuaq Basin, West Greenland. Abstract, 19th Regional European Meeting of Sedimentology, August 24-26, Copenhagen, s. 191, 1999.

  • Pedersen, G.K.: Grønland før istiderne. I: Born, E.W., Böcher, J.: Grønlands Økologi - en grundbog. Atuakkiorfik Undervisning, Nuuk, s. 36-45, 1999.

  • Peters, T., Dumjahn, P.: Ecological aspects of tardigrade distribution on Disko Island, West Greenland.. Berichte zur Polarforschung 330, s.64-75, 1999.

  • Starck, C., Kristensen, R.M:. Tardigrades in the soil of Greenland. Berichte zur Polarforschung 330, s. 44-63, 1999.

  • Sørensen, M.V.: Marine Rotifera from a sandy beach at Disko Island, Weat Greenland, with the description of Encentrum porsildi n.sp. and Notholca angakkaq n.sp. Hydrobiologia 386, s. 153-165, 1998.

  • Tegner, C., Brooks, C.K., Bernstein, S., Duncan, B.: Geochronology of Tertiary felsic magmatism at the East Greenland rifted continental margin. EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 81, F1134, 1999.

  • Thomsen, H.A., Brandt, A.: The 1998 Danish-German Excursion to Disko Island, West Greenland. Berichte zur Polarforschung 330, s. 1-10, 1999.

  • Winkelmann, J., Ziemer, 0.: Distribution and composition of meiofauna with special attention to the Kinorhyncha in the Mellemfjord, Disko Island (West Greenland). Berichte zur Polarforschung 330, s. 170 B181, 1999.

  • Worsaae, K.: On the taxonomy of Spio filicornis (Spionidae, Polychaeta) - Nipisat, Disko, Greenland. Berichte zur Polarforschung 330, s. 164-169, 1999.

Publications 1998

  • Buck, K. R., Nielsen, T. G., Hansen, B. W., Grastrup-Hansen, D., & Thomsen, H. A. 1998. Infiltration phyto- and protozooplankton assemblages in the annual sea ice of Disko Island, Greenland, spring 1996. – Polar Biol. 20: 377-381

  • Boertmann, D., Mosbech, A. and Frimer, O., Autumn Migration of Light-Bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla hrota through north-west Greenland.Wildfowl(1997) 48:98-107.

  • Danisch Meteorological Institute, Data Report, Magnetic Results 1997. Brorfelde, Qeqertarsuag, Qaanaaq and Narsarsuaq Observatories 1998.

  • Einhorn, K. S.,1999: The effects of ambient UV-B radiation on growth and protective pigments in two dwarf shrub species: An exclusion field study in Qeqertarsuag, Greenland.

  • Gilbert, R., Nielsen, N., Desloges, J. & Rasch, M., 1998: Constrasting glacimarine sedimentary environments in two fiords on Disko, West Greenland. Marine Geology, vol. 147(1-4), pp. 63-83.

  • Humlum, Ole, 1998: Active Layer Therma Regime 1991-1998 at Qeqertarsuaq, Disko Island Central West Greenland. Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 295-305.

  • Humlum, O., 1998: The Climatic significance of Rock Glaciers. Permafrost and periglacial processes, 9, 375-395.

  • Long, A.J., Roberts, D.H. & Wright, M. In press. Isolation basin stratigraphy and Holocene relative sea-level change on Arveprinsen Ejland, Disko Bugt, West Greenland. Journal of Quaternary Science.

  • Mikkelsen, A., Engelsen, S.B., Hansen, H.C.B., Larsen, O., Skibsted, L.H., Calcium Carbonate crystallization in the a-chitin matrix of the shell of pink shrimp, pandalus borealis, during frozen storage. Journal of crystal growth 177 (1997) 125-134

  • Mikkelsen, A., Rønn, B. and Skibsted, L.H. Formation of White Spots in the Shell of Raw Shrimps During Frozen Storage. Seasonal variation and Effects of Some Production Factors. J Sci Food Agric 1997, 75, 433-441.

  • Mølgaard, P. & Christensen, K. (1997): Response to experimental warming in a population of Papaver radicatum in Greenland. Global Change Biology 3 (Suppl.1): 116-124.

  • Marion, G. M., Henry, G.H.R, Freckman, D.W., Johnstone, J., Jones, G., Jones, M.H., Levesque, E., Molau, U., Mølgaard, P., Parsons, A.N., Svoboda, J. and Virginia R.A. Open-top designs for manipulating field temperature in high-latitude ecosystems. Global Change Biologi (1997) 3 (Suppl 1), 20-32.

  • Nielsen, N.,Humlum, O. and Ulf Hansen, B., 1998: Meterological Observations 1997 at the Arctic Station, Qeqertarsuaq (6915'N), Central West Greenland. Danish Journal of Geography, 98, pp. 81-83.

  • Nielsen, N., Rasch, M. and Christiansen, C., 1998: Notes on bathymetry, drainage basins, hydrogrphy, hydrology and climate in Kangerluk, Disko Fjord), Akulliit (Mellemfjord) and Kangersooq (Nordfjord), central West Greenland. Data Report, Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 13p (+ appendix 68p).

  • NorFa-Course Arctic Fish physiology Report from a NorFa-Course at the Arctic Station, Uni. of Copenhagen in Qeqertarsuag, Greenland August 1997.

  • Pedersen, G.P, Larsen, L.M., Pedersen, A.K. and Hjortkjær, B.F., 1998: The syn-volcanic Naajaat lake, Paleocene of West Greenland. Palaeogeography, Palaeoecology and Palaeoclimatology.PALAEO 140, pp. 271-287

  • Pilato, G., 1998: Microhypsibiidae, new family of eutardigrades, and description of the new genus Fractonotus (Tardigrada), Spixiana 21(2): 129-134.

  • Polargrav KMS Airborne Northern Greenland. Projekt 1998-99 Gravity Survey of Shelf Regions

  • Rasch, M. and Jensen, J.F., 1997: Ancient Eskimo dwelling sites and Holocene relative sea-level changes in southern Disko Bugt, central West Greenland. Polar Research 16(2), 101-115.

  • Strandberg, M. Distribution of 137 Cs in a Low Arctic Ecosystem in West Greenland. Arctic Vol. 50, No 3(sep. 1997) P. 216- 223.

  • Wind, O., Christensen, S.B. & Mølgaard, P. (1998): Colouring agents in yellow and white flowered Papaver radicatum in Northern Greenland. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 26: 771-779.

  • Geologisk hovedfagskursus på Disko og Nuussuaq, Vestgrønland, sommeren 1997, (1998). Rapport, Geologisk Institut, Københavns Universitet, p. 74.

Publications 1997

  • Anderson, N.J. & Bennike, O. (1997): Holocene lake sediments in West Greenland and their palaeoclimatic and palaeoecological implications. Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin 176, 89-94.

  • Arktisk Biologisk Feltkursus, Qeqertarsuaq 1996. (Ed. Lise Bach Hansen), Københavns Universitet, ISBN 87-7834-233-3. P 165 p.

  • Christiansen, F.G., Boesen, A., Dalhoff, F., Pedersen, A.K., Pedersen, G.K., Riisager, P. & Zinck-Joergensen, K. (1997): Petroleum geological activities onshore West Greenland in 1996, and drilling of a deep exploration well. Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin 176, 17-23.

  • Eric Steen Hansen, 1997: Lichenes Groenlandici Exsiccati fasc. 13 (Nos. 601 625) & fasc. 14 (Nos. 626 650), Kcbenhavn 1997, p. 28.

  • Geoffroy, L., Gelard, J. P., Lepvrier, C., Olivier, P., 1998: The coastal flexure of Disko (West Greenland) onshore expression of the "oblique reflectors". Journal of the Geological Society, in press.

  • Gilbert, R., Nielsen, N., Desloges, J., Rasch, M. and Dale, J. 1997. Preliminary obeservations on glacimarine sedimentary environments of fiords on Disko, Central Western Greenland. 27th Arctic Workshop. Department of Geography, University of Ottawa, February 27 March 2, 1997. Edited by A.G. Lewkowicz and S.V. Kokelj. Page 87-88.

  • Gilbert, R., Nielsen, N., Desloges, J. & Rasch, M., 1997: Constrasting glacimarine sedimentary environments in two fiords on Disko, West Greenland. Accepted November 2, 1997 by Marine Geology.

  • Hansen, B., Humlum, O., Nielsen, N. Rasch, M. & Funch, P., 1997: Meteorological observations in 1996 at the Arctic Station, Qeqertarsuaq (Godhavn), West Greenland. Danish Journal of Geography, 97, p. 152.153.

  • Heide Jørgensen HS, Johnsen I., 1997: Ecosystem Vulnerability to Climate Change in Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Copenhagen. Working Report no. 97, 1997. ISBN 87 7810 918 3. 266 pp.

  • Marion, G. M., Henry, G. H. R., Freckman, D. W., Johnstone, J., Jones, G., Jones, M. H., Lévesque, E., Molau, U., Mølgaard, P., Parsons, A. N., Svoboda, J., Virginia, R. A., 1997: Open-top designs for manipulating field temperature in high-latitude ecosystems. Global Change Biology, 3 (suppl. 1), 20-32.

  • Mølgaard, B., Christensen, K., 1997: Response to experimental warming in a population of Papaver radicatum in Greenland. Global Change Biology, 3 (suppl. 1), 116-124.

  • Phillipp, M. (1997): Genetic diversity, breeding system, and population structure in Silene acaulis (Caryaphyllaceae) in West Greenland. Opera Botanica 132, 98-100.

  • Rasch, M., Jakobsen, B.H. and Nielsen, N., 1997: Geomorphology and Sedimentary Record of Three Cuspate Forelands as Indicators of Late Holocene Relative Sea-level Changes, Disko, West Greenland. Danish Journal of Geography, 97, pp. 33-46.